What to Expect
~Sunday morning service at RLCC~
We are a family church in the Payette area that runs between 200-250 people on Sunday. We are an Assemblies of God church. We currently have one service at 10:30 am, and our kid's church is held at 11:15 am during the Sermon. We Praise and Worship as a family and all ages are welcome. We love coming together to worship our amazing God, inviting His presence and the work of the Holy Spirit in our services! We do offer Nursery care for young children through age 4.
Our worship music is contemporary in style (much like you would hear on KTSY or Air One), and may be mixed with classic hymns and choruses. Spontaneous praise to God is heard and the move of the Holy Spirit is welcome!
Our dress is predominately casual, but we encourage you to come and worship as you are.
We have times of prayer throughout the service, where people are encouraged to pray for one another's needs. We also gather for prayer before Sunday Service from 9:15-10 am and all are invited to come and pray at that time.
Pastor Wayne strives to present a solid Biblical message of hope that is relevant to your daily life and will give you an opportunity to Say Yes to God!